Divorce is a significant life event that can often bring with it a range of emotional, financial, and legal complexities. At Wayman and Long, we understand that the process can be daunting, but with the right guidance and support, many complications can be minimised or even avoided.
If you take a look at marriage statistics in the United Kingdom over the last few decades, you will find that fewer couples are enjoying wedded bliss than ever before.
There are few life experiences quite as challenging as going through a divorce or separation. Having the right divorce solicitor in your corner can make a difficult experience much easier. In this blog from Wayman & Long, we share our tips on how to choose the right divorce solicitor.
Divorce solicitors and family law solicitors usually offer a similar service and are skilled in navigating challenging difficulties with professionalism and compassion.
Yes. In some circumstances, you can divorce without a solicitor. Having a solicitor is not a legal requirement and some couples choose to divorce without hiring a solicitor or lawyer.
A divorce, no matter how amicable, is a daunting and complex legal process that can be overwhelming without the right help. Having the right legal team can make the world of a difference.
Family court can be one of the most challenging experiences anyone may face. Whether it involves divorce proceedings, child custody battles, or resolving financial disputes, these situations can be emotionally draining and legally complex. At Wayman & Long, we understand the immense pressure and uncertainty that family court brings. Our aim is to guide you […]
Planning for the future is essential, particularly when it comes to making arrangements for your health, finances, and welfare should you become unable to make decisions for yourself. One of the most effective ways to ensure that your interests are protected is by setting up a Power of Attorney (POA). A Power of Attorney grants […]
Divorce is often a complex, lengthy and emotionally challenging process. Even if you are separating on amicable terms, divorce can be incredibly daunting.
The world of real estate is both appealing and unpredictable. Buying a new home is a significant change and can be as exciting as it is daunting. However, property transactions don’t always go smoothly. In such a complex transaction, there are a number of issues that may arise. This includes problems with legal documents, mortgage […]
Purchasing or selling a property is likely to be one of the most significant, and expensive(!), transactions you will make. For this reason, it is crucial that everything goes smoothly wherever possible, or is dealt with accordingly if it doesn’t. However, it can be a complex process that will be difficult to handle alone. Having […]
Disputes can be daunting. No one wants to disagree with another individual, or company, to the point where it must be taken to court. If things do go awry however; what should you do? In this blog from Wayman & Long, we answer a frequently asked question; What Is Civil Litigation? Civil litigation can seem […]